The Rose Cut Opal Pendant

Rose Cut Opal Pendant
Rose Cut Opal Pendant

The Rose Cut Opal Pendant

Sale Price:$900.00 Original Price:$1,100.00

Metal: 14K Gold

Stone: 1.12ct Mexican Opal

Chain: 18”

Measurements: Approx. 9mm x 12mm

What You Should Know: Custom created by us.

Our favorite Roman philosopher said it all when attempting to define opals. “There is in them a softer fire than the ruby, there is the brilliant purple of the amethyst, and the sea green of the emerald- all shining together in incredible union. Some by their splendor rival the colors of the painters, others the flame of burning sulphur or of the fire quickened by oil.”

While we aren’t really keen on describing our favorite fiery gem with the term “burning sulphur”, we get where Pliny was going. Every color of the rainbow potentially contained in one little sliver, opals are straight up magical.

Centuries before Pliny dropped that philosophical gold, a legend was born of the birth of those excitable stones. The Titan god, Cronus, was seriously afraid of losing his power. So he did what any power hungry God would do and he swallowed his children one by one. His wife Rhea must have been especially fond of their youngest child, Zeus, because she hid him from Cronus and sent him away to Crete. When Zeus hit adult age, he traveled back to his birthplace, and somehow tricked Cronus into drinking a potion which induced the vomiting up of his children. Clearly very unhappy with being eaten alive by their own father, Zeus’s brothers and sisters joined him in waging war against Cronus. This was a nasty battle, lasting ten years, and involving things like Hecatonchires and Cyclopes and lots of pissed off Gods.

Eventually, the young Gods, also known as the Olympians, won. After such a family drama, Zeus was pretty relieved to say the least. He wept tears of joy, which fell to the earth and turned into beautiful multi-colored heavenly stones- the first opals.

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